The trolley appears to be good quality & looks like it'll last many years. I use the buses a lot. I knew the exact size of the trolley before buying, thanks to the comprehensive measurements on the website, so knew the bus isle, unfortunately, would be too narrow to take the trolley along it. Also, it can be a challenge getting around small shops due to the width. I wanted the single handle & the smaller size frame would mean the bag I would've had to use would've been too small.
I have carpel tunnel syndrome. The trolley handle has adjustable positions to allows me to hold it pointing forward, which is better for my condition.
Good points for me:
adjustable handle
the style & colour.
removable wheels, so they can be swapped out for a different style or replaced when worn.
Nice addition is the rain cover that comes with this particular trolley.
separate cool compartment for items that need to be kept cool.
Robust design.
Large wheels make it easier for going up & down curbs.
large bag to hold all my shopping - no need to carry additional bags.
This trolley looks cool, for every man or women.
I was informed the trolley would take 7 - 10 business days for delivery. I wasn't aware that the 7 to 10 days shipping times are the times it takes to ship from Germany to the UK warehouse, not to my door. However, once it landed in the UK, it didn't take long to arrive to me.